British Virgin Islands Business News

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Friday, August 09, 2013

BVI Among Major Foreign Investors in Nepal in 2012/2013

According to the Department of Industry of Nepal, the amount of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the economy of the country increased by 163% in year 2012/2013, as compared to the previous fiscal year. In 2012/2013, 275 joint venture companies were registered in the country. They have committed to make investment of Rs 18.84 billion, while in 2011/2012 FDI commitment was Rs 7.14 billion.

British Virgin Islands is at the top of the list of countries investing in Nepal, in terms of commitment amount, with investment commitment of Rs 4.49 billion. The BVI is followed by Hong Kong with investment commitment of Rs 3.07 billion, and India with as much as Rs 2.45 billion. In terms of number of companies, China is on the leading position with 87 joint ventures, followed by India. Most of FDI from China and Hong Kong are in the sector of hydropower projects and infrastructure development.

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