British Virgin Islands Business News

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Friday, December 10, 2010

BVI among Top Investors in Hong Kong Economy

According to the official data on Foreign Direct Investments by the end of 2009, published by Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department on December 9, 2010, the stock of the city's inward direct investment increased by 14.8 percent from the previous year, and made HK$7,262.1 billion (US$934 billion) at market value.

The major immediate investment source was mainland China, which accounted for the largest share at the end of 2009, at 36.4 percent. The second major source of investment were the British Virgin Islands, with 32.4 percent of total stock of HK FDI at the end of 2009. The Netherlands, with 6.8 percent, were the third.

According to the Hong Kong Statistics Department, Foreign Direct Investment in HK economy, especially that of mainland's China, covers wide range of economic activities, including investment, holding, real estate, professional and business services, import/export, wholesale and retail trades; transportation, storage, postal and courier services.

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