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Saturday, January 19, 2019

UK Government Extending Deadline for Public Registers in BVI

The UK government has given its Overseas Territories including the British Virgin Islands an allowance to continue without implementing the public registers of company beneficial ownership until the year 2023. In fact this is a 3 year extension to the initial deadline set by the United Kingdom in its Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act, which was forcing to implement public registers by the year 2020.

UK Minister responsible for OTs, Lord Tariq Ahmad, gave his comments about the deadline extension: “It is our intention that if by 2020 there is no public register, for whatever territory, we will then issue an Order in Council, which will then have a requirement for an operational public register by 2023.” By his words, the 2023 deadline will give the UK time to advance its mission of making public registers become a global standard

The public registers mean that the BVI along with other Overseas Territories will be required to disclose the names of beneficial owners of offshore companies registered in the jurisdictions. The BVI is objecting the implementation of public registers before they become a global standard, as it would place the territory in a disadvantageous position to other countries providing financial services.

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