British Virgin Islands Business News

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Tuesday, February 05, 2013

BVI Government Signed Contract with LGS and Associates

The Government of the British Virgin Islands signed a contract worth US$100,000 with a financial industry consultancy firm LGS and Associates, which is headed by the financial industry expert Mrs. Lorna Smith

The information about the signing of the contract in December 2012 was confirmed by the Financial Secretary Mr. Neil Smith and by Mrs. Smith herself, who stated that the contract is not a new assignment since she has been providing services to the BVI governments, including under the Virgin Islands Party administration. 

Mrs. Smith recently attended the OECD Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information. She also took part in the negotiations concerning tax treaties between OECD countries and OECS countries, all of which have been put on the OECD ‘white list’. She also takes the post of Chairperson of the Financial Services Business Development Committee, whose task is to maintain the image of the British Virgin Islands as a top international finance centre, identifying new and emerging markets and recommending legislation for introduction and support of new and existing products and services.

Mrs. Smith assisted in the BVI passing phase I review process on global transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes, and, in her own words, continues to work to ensure that the BVI moves phase II of the review process.

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